I love my child. I love him in a way that doesn't even make sense to me. I would lay down my life for him. Which is a weird thing that people say. And before loving this child as I now do, it's a thing I thought people just said. But a decade into this love, it makes perfect sense. He's nine now, almost adult size but not quite. Still, when we go for a walk his hand always finds mine. I'm not sure if it's just a habit or if he truly wants to hold my hand. But when those clammy, no longer very little, fingers find mine my heart melts every single time.
I love this child. But oh my do I want a break from parenting.
This pandemic is lasting forever. When we celebrated Mother's Day last year I never imagined that we'd still be here for Mother's Day 2021. Even though all evidence pointed to that reality. We didn't even have vaccines yet and the idea of having them created and distributed within a year was quite unlikely. But I don't think our brains were able to process the length of time we were about to spend living through a global pandemic. Or at least mine couldn't.
I've had the immense privilege of being able to keep my child home and safe. Our school board has provided a wonderful remote school opportunity. My wife has been able to work from home and I have been able to work both from home and outside while distanced. We are very lucky. But parents were never designed to raise our children in a vacuum. The saying it takes a village exists for a reason. And I really miss my village. I'm counting down the days until my parents can come get their grandchild.

And now here we are. Celebrating another holiday in a pandemic. And we can't celebrate it in the traditional ways. We can't go out to brunch. Mom can't spend an afternoon getting a pedicure. Or maybe you can where you are - but here in Ontario we are in lockdown. Wherever you are, and whatever you are doing, it's still likely different.
I can't help that. I can't make brunch possible. I can't reconnect grandparents who are missing their grandkids. But I can help you celebrate in a very 2021 way: digitally. Mother's Day Silhouettes are the perfect way to celebrate the parent in your life. I can bring grandchildren together into one photo even if they haven't been able to gather in a year. I can customize the photo so that non-binary parents and grandparents, or those who don't use traditional labels like mom and Grandma, can have a photo that reflects them. And I can help you showcase the unique personalities of all their favourite people and pets.

Have a creative kid who wants to help design your custom silhouette?
Amazing! I'd love to help bring their idea to life.

Curious about how we make this magic happen?
It's actually really simple. You take photos of your favourite people and pets against a blank well and send them to me. Then you choose your backdrop and I do the rest.
Custom silhouettes are $50 plus HST for up to 6 people or pets ($5 per additional subject). You can purchase right from our website or contact me for more information.

Let me wish you a happy early Mother's Day, Parent's Day, or whatever day you celebrate. This past year has been hard. Here's to gathering together in person in 2022!
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